Curriculum supports and fresh conceptsYour guide to
the joy of kites
As a family of educators, we at Kites in the Classroom have first-hand experience in developing learning materials – and are pleased to share our knowledge and resources with our community.
We also have many years of experience in event planning and fundraising, and are happy to work with you to help make your vision come true.
Check back often as we will be adding to our selection of Resource Guides, Lesson Plans & Activities and Downloads regularly.
Resource Guides
Lesson Plans and Activities

Links to Learning Standards

Project Ideas for Science & Technology, Social Studies/History and the Arts

Kites in the Classroom Guidebooks


Open Ended Questions to Support Thinking
Sometimes students need a bit of help to clarify their thinking, and bring it to the next level. Start by modeling the use of these Open Ended Questions in whole class and small group discussions. Over time you can encourage students to use these questions to guide their own thinking, and as part of their own group discussions.

Physics of Flight
THE GAME: What are the technical details of launching your kite?
Not only are kites fun to fly, but they’re also an incredible jump-off point for a variety of scientific topics. You can focus on what you enjoy and what the students want to know, all the while having a great time outdoors.
Need inspiration? Here are a few sample science experiments for elementary school students:
- How does wind speed affect how easy it is to get a kite to fly?
- How does wind speed affect a kite’s stability?
- How does adding or removing a tail affect the kite? What about short vs. long?
- How does your speed affect the kite? What happens when you run? Walk?
- What is the optimal string length for flying a kite?
- How do objects such as trees and buildings affect how the kite flies?
Highest Flying Angle
Who can fly their kite at the highest angle?
The Details: Students launch their kites together and fly them as high as they like (it’s a good idea to set a maximum height of 100 feet, for example). At the end of a set amount of time, the judges determine which kite is flying at the highest angle.Students can use a protractor to measure either the angle of the kite line at the flier’s hand, or by looking along the protractor toward the kite.
When the winners have been declared, start a discussion about how the different angles affect the way kites fly.
Lesson: Math (Protractor usage) and the science of flight (lift, drag, thrust, gravity)
Source: National Kite Month
The Chaos Game

Art Class
The Game: How can you decorate your kite?
Everyone looks forward to art class. After all, it’s an excuse to get creative, get messy, and let their imagination soar.
We know you are always looking for new lesson plans. This year, why not try an art project that’s completely different?
Awesome Autographs Lesson Plan
Our Kite Kits make a great activity for collecting autographs at school, at camp, or in your youth organization. Download our ready to use Lesson Plan now!
The Earth I Love (Earth Day Project)
Flying a kite on Earth Day is a perfect match! Why not have kids decorate their kite with their answer to the question “what do you love about the earth”. Let their imaginations soar as they draw birds and mountains, and food, and the sky, and their favorite place. I bet they will surprise you with their thoughtfulness.
And, just in case someone feels an uncontrolable urget to assess student work, check out this simple Art rubric
Art Rubric

Kites Around the World
The Game: Pin the kite to the map!
The Details: Make a list of foreign-language words for “kite.” Then, assign a country to each student. They’ll research the country and its kite culture, and decorate their kite to represent what they’ve learned.
Students will then match up as many kites as possible to countries on a map. Number the kites to make it easier.
Who can get the most correct?
Lesson: Geography and social studies
Source: Education World
Kite Stories to Read and Listen To
The Origin of Kites in China

Outside Activities
Earth Day Activities
Free Activities for Any Field Trip
Use this handy activity booklet with just about any field trip to help keep your students focussed and engaged!

Social Emotional Learning
Building Relationships with Name Tents
Use these simple name tents to get to know your students! These are especially helpful if you teach a large number of students. At the end of every day ask students to fill in a box. Exmaples of specific questions you could ask them are:
- What are your strengths as an (artist, writer, mathematician etc)?
- Who did you eat lunch with today?
- What is something you would like me to know about you?
- Describe a typical day outside of school for you?
Check out:
My Memory Kite
Memory kites are a unique and engaging way to help children record all the special events s and successes of the last year. They are fun and easy to make, are great for children who may not be keen to write, are hands-on, AND develop all sorts of pro-social skills without even trying! The sight of all those beautiful kites flying in the sky will inspire everyone who sees them. And the best part – your students will have something wonderful to take home!

Active Learning Strategies
Free Kite Notes Page
Active Learning Strategy: Find an Expert
This active learning strategy from Rebecca Stobaugh allows students to move around, talk with their peers, and expand their thinking all in one easy activity. Keep blanks of this template to use as a pre-assessment before you start a new unit, or after a more complex lesson.
Please check back regularly or subscribe to learn when we have added more lesson plans and activities.
Follow for simple strategies you can use today to motivate, engage and inspire your students.

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