Looking to motivate, engage and inspire your students? Download our FREE Kites in the classroom curriculum Guidebook.

Our resources are written by teachers for teachers and can help you plan standards aligned kiting lessons that connect  STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) to language arts, social studies and history.

We have seen over and over how kiting can serve as the perfect inspiration for learning about a wide range of learning outcomes, from observing and recording data on a kite in flight, to comparing and contrasting kites as cultural and scientific artifacts across time and cultures, to using principles of graphic design to decorate a kite to communicate a messege.

Kiting is also a wonderful opportunity for students to practice social emotional skills like engaging effectively in collaborative discussions,  problem solving and conflict resolution, and learning to overcome obstacles as part of a team.

Decorating, assembling and flying kites is a perfect hands on activity for children of all ages and abilities. We know many children will not have experience flying a kite, and that’s why our guide includes:

  • The Parts of a Kite
  • Kite Safety
  • Launch, Fly and Land Your Kite
  • Tips for Successful Flight
  • Common Kiting Problems
  • Principles of Flight and Bernoulli’s Principle

And we know teachers are busy people so we have provided detailed information on how to plan a kite activity – be it an afternoon of fun in the sun, a silly kiting contest, or a longer unit of inquiry integrating multiple subjects.

Be sure to check out our Resources Page for more FREE lessons, and ideas, and check back regularly. We are adding new things all the time!

But really, there simply is nothing more inspiring than seeing the beaming faces of your students when they experience the exhileration of seeing their own creations flying high in the sky above them.

But don’t take our word for it…

Go Fly A Kite!


As a family of educators, we know all about developing learning resources – and we share our knowledge with our community.
